Kick-off projects : France2030 for reaction wheels and SADM



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Comat and its partners have reached a new strategic milestone with the selection of two of their projects by CNES and Bpifrance as part of the France 2030 plan. The aim of these projects is to develop and pre-qualify two critical mechanisms:

The aim of the ASTR2 project is to develop and pre-qualify a new range of reaction wheels specifically for the large constellation market, based on 100% French technology. These reaction wheels, which are crucial for stabilising and orienting satellites in orbit, guarantee the success of their missions by ensuring precise orientation.

© Comat / Big Wheels

  • An extended range: the ASTR2 project will extend the current range by developing reaction wheels with a momentum of 1 to 50 Nms, to equip satellites weighing from 150 to 1,000 kg.
  • French technology for constellations: this new range will complement the reaction wheels already fitted to Kinéis’ constellation of 25 nanosatellites, dedicated to Internet of Things (IoT) services.

To realise this project, Comat has surrounded itself with key partners: STEEL for the electronics, NOVATEM for the motors, and ADR for the bearings. Together, these experts are helping to make this project a real showcase for French technology.

The second project, SADM-1500 (Solar Array Drive Mechanism), focuses on the development and qualification of a mechanism capable of transferring 1,500 W per solar array.

  • Energy optimisation: this mechanism enables satellites to optimise the solar exposure of their panels, thereby increasing their autonomy and performance.

Comat has retained its trusted partners in the ASTR2 project, joining forces with STEEL for the electronics and NOVATEM for the engines. This project highlights French expertise in the design of innovative mechanisms to boost the performance and lifetime of tomorrow’s constellations.

As part of the France 2030 plan, Comat is also committed to boosting its industrial production capacity by launching the SATURNE project. This ambitious project will result in the creation of a new factory for constellation, equipped with clean rooms specially dedicated to the mass production of mechanisms. Construction of this plant began at the end of August 2024, with delivery scheduled for the end of 2025.

Comat and its partners are proud to be contributing to France’s autonomy in the space sector by strengthening local production of critical technologies.

Thanks to these two projects, France is at the forefront of innovation in satellite constellations.

With the support of the France 2030 plan, the ASTR2 and SADM-1500 projects demonstrate France’s determination to become a world leader in the production of cutting-edge space equipment, while ensuring the sovereignty of its strategic technologies. Thanks to the collaboration of industrial partners and the creation of the SATURNE constellation factory, Comat is establishing itself as a key player in the new era of French New Space.

Want to find out more? Stay tuned for the next stages of this adventure!
