Plasma Jet-Pack

Small Sat


This plug-and-thrust, disruptive technology offers low-cost propulsion for smallsats. Small and lightweight, with a lifespan of at least five years, the Plasma Jet Pack Technology is modular and Comat can customize it according to customers’ needs.

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Plasma Jet-Pack


- Product

Image Plasma Jet-Pack
Image Plasma Jet-Pack
Image espace

Main benefits

  • Plug & thrust propulsion
  • Solid/inert metal propellant
  • Neutral plasma
  • On-demand thrust (no preheating)
  • Thrust adjustable as function of frequency
  • Up to 4 Nozzles ; they can be freely placed on the satellite panels (vectorized thrust)


Average Thrust

from 0 to 150 μN@30W

Overall Volume

Nozzle :
95 x 95 x 18.1 mm3 = 0,25 U

47.5 x 95 x 55 mm3 = 0,16 U

Specific Impulse ISP

> 2000 s

Total Impulse

60 Ns per Nozzle

Impulse Bit

20 μNs

Thermal Qualification

Temp. OP : -30 / +50°C
Temp NOP : -50 / +70°C

Overall Mass

Nozzle : 460 g
PPSCU : 280 g
1 PPSCU + 2 Nozzle : 1,2 kg

Power Interface

From 0 to 30 W
(based on frequency)

Data interface

RS 485 half duplex
